
Mr. Dinkle Cartoons

"GRANTLAND is one of the best enjoyed features in our magazine. Everyone can sympathize with Dinkle!"
Nigel Salway, Co-operators Data Services

Mr. Dinkle arrived on the corporate scene years before any business cartoons
appeared in the daily papers. He's naive, hapless, and often lost in the
complex world of business. You may laugh and often shake your
head, but somehow, Mr. Dinkle always perseveres - or at
least keeps coming back.

Mr. Dinkle & the Telephone

Mr. Dinkle & the Boss

Misc. Mr. Dinkle Cartoons

Grantland: Good....Safe....Proven
Humor that Works. tm

Testimonials on this and other pages were accumulated over our 25 years of doing business
cartoons for presentations and publications.

© Grantland Enterprises. All rights reserved.
Our business cartoons may not be reproduced without written permission.

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