50th Reunion of the Princeton Class of 1962
Personal photos: Good friends and better half.

Judy and I had a wonderful time. It was great seeing old friends and being back on that beautiful campus. Our reunions committee, headed by Bob Medina,
did an outstanding job. Meals were excellent, music was great, and the P-rade a wonderful experience.
My former roommates Tony Mayer and Howdy Pyle were there with, respectively, Barbie and Victoria -- along with a number of classmates who had been to Andover
- Frank Kemp, Bruce Kaplan, John Cooper, and Dermod Sullivan among them. Nick Nicholas was there, but I didn't get a photo of him and his wife Lynn - or of Jack Clymer
and his wife Di.
We also spent some time with good friends Beth and Chuck Morrison, as well as Pete Schroeder and wife Risa, and classmates Tad Crawford and John Hoffman.
Bruce Dunning (shown at top right with Judy) put together a massive 700-page hard-bound reunions book filled with photos and classmates' essays...and he only spent
a year hounding classmates, and assembling, editing, and designing the whole thing. What a great job!

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