50th Reunion of the Princeton Class of 1962
The P-Rade

The focal point of Reunions, from an all-classes point of view, is the P-rade held on Saturday afternoon. This is an hours-long parade from the north by Nassau Street
that winds through the campus until it comes out on the field south of the campus in front of a reviewing stand with the university president and dignitaries.

The traditional order is President and dignitaries march first, then the 25th Reunion class, followed by the oldest class (1925 this year), then all of the other classes
in order by graduation date. Each class has an assembly point along the P-rade route - the 25th and oldest farthest north, the newest and current graduates farthest south.
Our class assembled at 1:45 between Stanhope Hall and Nassau Hall. There we waited and watched as the 25th Reunioners passed, followed by the oldest class (1925), then assorted
other classes with dragons and wild bands.
We finally started moving at 3:10. P-Rade Marshalls Scotty Brooks and Brian Rosborough led us off - Robert Burkhardt juggled, the rest of the class followed. Part way along the route,
a pickup truck drove in from the side and behind our leaders. It was pulling a flat bed trailer on which was classmate Ivory Jim Hunter and his great lead guitarist, bassist, and
drummer - "Princeton's First Rock Group".

All through the rest of the route, we marched and danced down the campus to Chuck Berry's Johnny B. Goode - high-fiving bystanders, who
cheered, waved, and offered beers. As we marched into the open field at the end, President Shirley Tilghman and entourage
rocked on the reviewing stand.

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