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Boss Jokes I

"Your cartoons are just great!" P.E. Poulsen, ExxonMobil

By using humor, you may be able to reach new audiences and to convey your important
messages in a more effective way. Our leadership jokes play on accepted leadership
theories and practices to promote key leadership principles.

Boss jokes 1082B

Boss jokes 2233

Boss jokes 1097B

Boss jokes 2429

Boss jokes 2367

Boss jokes 2427

Boss jokes 2712

Boss jokes 4186

Boss jokes 2799

Boss jokes 2848

Boss jokes 3946

(We will modify the wording of our Boss jokes at no extra charge.)

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Testimonials on this and other pages were accumulated over our 20+ years of doing Boss jokes from
survey respondents who gave us permission to quote them with attribution.

© Grantland Enterprises. All rights reserved.
Our leadership jokes may not be reproduced without written permission.